Thursday, May 15, 2008

Things that spook me!

I think that I am a pretty well rounded and mentally stable individual, yet I have collection of random things that seriously spook me, some even terrify me.

As I was driving into work this morning I noticed a shoe on the shoulder of the left lane. It was a man's dress shoe in good condition and belonging to someone with a eye for fashion. It creeped me out. It then occurred to me that I often see shoes on the highway and I always have the same unnerving reaction. I few exits ahead I noticed a second shoe. A man's black coloured runner turned upside down and discarded under the guardrail. I always think that this must be the only remains of a car accident. I mean why else would a shoe be out on the highway? Then I think that this person must have been quite injured to forget their shoe. I mean if they were just getting out of the car to check the fender, they would not take off a shoe first...hmmmm.
Maybe my EMS girl could comment on this one.

I drove a little further and began to laugh about all the other random things I am spooked by...maybe I am not as stable as I thought.

I am fearful of Banshees. I understand logically that it is a folklore, but the crazy side of me is not taking any chances. Never will I look out the window or go outside when I hear cats fighting, as the wailing of the banshee is thought to be a similar eerie sound. In fact the sound of a cat howling makes my hair stand on end. Never ever ever will you catch me picking up a comb off the street either. A banshee's calling card if you will...I think not!

I have an irrational fear of clowns most likely stemming from an association with a very unfortunate past family member. Clowns are generally creepy and will not be part of any party my kid is at. I am really uncomfortable with the way they have made themselves look happy, but inside one never know the true emotion of the clown.

I fear balloon. Most likely associated with clowns, but none the less they are unstable and unpredictable. Oh lord and that squeaky sound they make...ahhh shivers.

I am spooked when I am woken in the early hours 3am. Things are too quiet and I am not comfortable with any presence that I at times feel. I am especially hate when I wake because someone called my name. YIKES.

I hate dolls. You know the kind that stand there and watch you. The ones that eyes open and close. I hate porcelain dolls, old fashion dolls, really to be safe all dolls. My parents were moving and we were house hunting which lead to us visiting a home my parents loved. They took us over for a showing and we walked about looking at all the wonderful space and features. I went up stairs and headed into the master bedroom; I was not prepared in the least for what waited for me. I entered and immediately crapped my pants; hundreds of dolls. Little ones, big ones, some standing, others sitting, a few even in cradles...all looking at me with that vacant stare. I remembering standing there my eyes darting in every direction I was starting to panic when my mom walk in and started to laugh. I didn't find it funny, nor did I find it funny that they bought the house.

Ps. this also go for ventriloquist dummies...Mr. Marbles!

I will never and encourage others to never purchase or take a mirror from an antique sale, garage sale, attic or roadside. Shivers....Buy new always...I am not going into it with you.

Last but I am sure not the least, I am not okay with the ice cream man that drives through the neighbourhood. His little truck and eerie music gives me goosebumps. I never really had an encounter with the ice cream man growing up, but I don't trust them. I lovingly refer to them as "pedophiles on wheels". I know that it is a bit of a blanket statement and somewhat discriminating, but they creep me out. Why do they all have to look like they were just released from prison on a community work integration program. Driving slowly looking for children out the tiny window, luring them helplessly with the monotonous music and pictures of dancing ice cream cones. Nope not a fan!

So after careful evaluation and reconsideration I am retracting my first comment on this page. I appear to be less normal than I thought. Please feel free to comment about you own fears.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Behind on the photo of the day.

Way behind on this sorry :O(

Here is day 15...planning ahead.
Proof that Frenchies truly have a different way of life.

Day 14
One of Dancer's chubby pups...

Day 13
A sample of some of my painting. I especially love this one.

Day 12
My Nana and I, one of my best friends and I miss her dearly. She would be proud that Iris shares her name.
Day 11
The yellow boots...

Day 10
Ship wreak at Port Cartier.

Day 9
Our last visit with him...Hubby's Pepere.

Day 8
The birth of my baby girl.

Day 7
I love to see my husband laugh...I fall in love again.

Day 6
Our dog, Dancer.

Day 5
Feet that I love.

Day 4
Just because it's beautiful.

Day 3
Thing 2...The newest love of my life, I cannot wait to mean this one.

Day 2
My favourite Tattoo of Hubby' girls foot print at birth. Thing 2's will go on his left leg.

Day 1
My girl, I love that face.