Thursday, February 15, 2007

Good Lord it is the middle of February!

I cannot believe it is the middle of February already. I have not posted since November and so many little events have passed by.

Let see if I can get us updated.

Christmas was wonderful. Baby girl had a great first Christmas and actually spent most of it sleeping as the activities were overwhelming. She did end up with Croup and an ear infection, but you'd never know it she's a trooper.

Happy New years to all. We stoped by our friends Linda and Rob's place of a festive cheer and then headed over to my brothers place for a low key evening as Baby girl was ill and just needed to pass out. All in all a good night.

My nephew baby boy turned one at the end of January. I cannot believe that he is a year old. This means that my baby girl will too be a year soon.
I think that I am now experiencing post partum. I am experiencing middle of the night panic attacks about going back to work. I would rather have dental surgery than return back. I know that reality is that in order to keep a roof over our heads I need to return home with a real pay cheque, but even typing this makes me want to throw up. I am loving being at home with he, making dinners, running to the market, cleaning my house(I love to clean..I'm a sick bitch) and being a domestic Goddess. I wasn't meant to sit in my car on the God damn QEW for hours on end just to wipe the noses of my co-workers that cannot by the grace of God pull it together, let alone get their on pants on most days. Oh well fingers crossed that I win the millionaire for life or at the very least someone who loves me does!

Our dog Dancer had her second litter of puppies in January. She did much better this pregnancy and is a natural with her pups. This time she only had five which made life a lot easier for her. She was also whelped through National Dogs and since their facilities are under going revamping, she has being staying in a wonderful home with her puppies and the co-founder of the organization. Two of her puppies will be given to National to be used as companion and safety dogs for children with autism which is really great. Four pups are chocolate and one black and the cutiest little things in the world. She will be coming home next weekend.

Of course the top news this week is the snow and we got a lot of it. I was a kind and thoughtful neighbour who shoveled mine and my neighbour's joinning driveway four times over the course of the day on Tuesday. You might as well get it while it's light and manageable. So yesterday morning I wake up to a crap load of the white stuff. I bundled up Baby girl and we ventured back out to shovel some more. The drifts were absolutely unreal and it was going to be a big job. I finally got to the end of my car went I noticed that the J-hole who lives next door has shoveled out a strip so that he can back his car out of the garage and down the driveway. He had left a wall of snow over a foot high and now it is drifting out of control. Hello...You cannot just leave the shit. It's still snowing, it is not going to just go away. Besides now I have to remove it in case I need to get baby girl somewhere in a hurry. I am a perfectionist I know. I do realize that the world has less than perfect people, but I am getting old and my tolerance is failing. He came home half way through my shoveling and I let him have it. This guy just moved here from Texas and he is practically having a heart attack over the amount of snow. I explained that most winters it snows. This is what happens when you live in Canada by the lake. Count your blessing that the first snowfall was almost in spring and that he did not pick Newfoundland as his home, those poor people wake up to this at least once a week.

He starts whining...Why shovel, it's still snowing. Why clean off car, you're not going anywhere.

Good God man, shut up.

He then offers to clear the snow at the bottom of the driveway so we can get in an out. The takes two tiny shovels and then says, "You know, I have salt. This will be much better and dumps a half bag of salt into a half foot of snow, brilliant"!

He says, "I am too cold, I must get a coffee. No more of this shovelling".
I then asked where the hell his kids where? As school is cancelled and they are teenagers.

"Oh they school today."

Are you kidding me. I have no idea what was expected of you on a snow day, by in my house you just knew the first few hours of your snow day were going to suck hard. You could be bleeding out your eyes and you limbs falling off and my mom would say, "The cold will be good for you". As she strapped our limbs to our ass and send us out. You did it and you did it well, sometimes a few times over the day.

If my dad came home from working all day at some bitch job and had to shovel after three lazy shit heads slept till noon and then watched TV all day, he'd lose his mind. If you weren't bleeding out your eyes you soon will be. If Baby girl could have stood up with a shovel, she be doing it.
Well we fixed his wagon. The plow came last night around 10 and Hubby went out to shovel. I am pretty sure he use the property blueprints to determine exactly where to stop shoveling.
Idiots...You are screwing with the wrong guy.

Finally, Happy V-day to all those who celebrate. Us not so much. I would rather hubby do sweet things for me when the media has not had to reminded him too do so. Besides chocolates and flowers nice, but picking up a Tim's and bathing baby girl and putting her to bed for me so I can enjoy that Tim's...Better.

Actually this is the last note...
I want to express a sincere thanks to Dad Gone Mad. For those of you who may not know of this man, he is my hubby's blog hero. He reads him faithfully, more that mine I am sure and secretly I think he probably has one of his t-shirts.
Anyway. DGM is a brilliant writer and I find him highly entertaining, but my hubby I think feels that his writing is Gospel. If DGM has posted it, then it is acceptable and must by carried out.
I spent the whole weekend and much of this week with the "Crop Duster".
According to DGM the term "Crop Duster" is the act of silently farting while you walk, leaving behind you and blanket of anal gases for all to enjoy. I am convinced that my hubby spent the weekend eating things just to play "Crop Duster".
So DGM, thank you for an enjoyable weekend of..."giggle, giggle Op, Crop Duster, giggle giggle".

Have a great week and I will be back soon.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back, always nice to get your updates...ummm the crop duster, have one of those at our house as well!

Aimee said...

You blogged!
Tee Hee
I knew I check for a reason :)

Good update. Great to have you back!!