Monday, August 08, 2005

I am Back

Hey all,
I guess it has been a little while since I last wrote. I am just back from vacation and before we get all excited about my fantastic trip and cultural experiences, truth be told it was 10 days of my fat ass on the couch. Now who wants to see the pictures?

It was actually very relaxing and just nice not to have to do anything, but snuggle with hubby.

We did do a couple of day outings, but hubby was sick and not really up to much.

I even asked if we could go to block busters and rent a few videos...very odd behaviour for me and perhaps will be my next blog as I am having to explain my detest for movies a lot lately.

So not a whole lot to write about just wanted to say hi to you all and get caught up.



Colleen said...

welcome back.

Heather said...

Welcome back, chiquita! I'm glad that your vacation was a good one even if you didn't venture too far and wide. In my opinion, those are some of the best ones and really, you would be amazed at the level of cultural diversity you can experience from the comfort of your couch! Food Network, anyone?! See you soon..;)

Anonymous said...

That sounds sooooo good! I'm planning mine after all the girls return to school and I can have the house to myself and the TV on TLC for hours and idea of a perfect break!
Talk to you soon!