Thursday, May 10, 2007


I know I am a sanitizing nutter and maybe my OCD has been heightened since having a child, but I am alarmed by the number of people who do not wash their hands!

I am back at work now and this means back to public washrooms...dear God. I have a problem with public washrooms as is, but in the past 4 weeks I have noticed many ladies peeing and fleeing.

Today I was in the washroom and I could clearly hear my stall buddy taking care of monthly feminine business (the wrappers are a give away). I continued on with my own business not thinking about next door, when I heard the toilet flush, the stall door open and the main door open and slam behind her. Ummmm sink, you walk right by them.

So now I am sitting there with my mouth wide open thinking my God, she did not wash her hands. She is now running throughout the building touching everything I might touch with her disgusting little period hands. Go ahead and give everything a lick over too. Oh my God, I could barf just thinking about it. Unfortunately or fortunately I did not get the chance to see if it was someone I worker with or a client. Someone I work with would be worse than a client as I don't touch client common items (pens, counter tops, key boards, phone ick ick ick), but a co-worker....we share everything (fax, copier, cabinet handles, files, Oh God must stop). Not to mention a loss of respect for them. Cut to the next potluck luncheon, little miss period fingers is offering you her handmade meatballs....barf. Oh really, just now a little barf in my mouth!

In case it were the latter, I am secretly running around with a lysol wipes. Oh I am paranoid alright!

For the love of all holy, ladies wash your damn hands. We are women, the more sophisticated and refined of the species. Just one round of happy birthday is as long as it takes.
I beg you I do not have enough time in my day to OCD.


Anonymous said...

we have that issue here as well! Lysol wipes are my friend!!!!

Heather said...

That is really just gross. As far as I can see it, there is really no excuse for bypassing the sink on the way out of the bathroom. They are put there in plain view for a reason and meant to be used AFTER you come out of the stall and BEFORE you head out the door. Seriously, it gives me the heebees to know that people really don't wash their hands very much. Now I know that my hands are very dry for the reason that I wash my hands a LOT but I would definitely rather have it that way. The worst thing about it here is that we don't have many people on this floor (common per floor) that do not work in our office. So if you are in a stall and hear someone leaving without washing their hands, it is a good bet that they are someone that you work with. And really, that is just completely not alright with me! Ew...

Aimee said...

OMG, I'm pulling out my lysol wipes to clean my desk as I write this (not kidding). And I take public transit. I hate people...

B said...

ewwwwwwwwwwwwww i hate people that don't wash their hands!!!